Hypnosis derives from the ancient Greek word "hypno" for sleep.

In hypnotherapy only the body is wonderfully rested while the mind is focused on what needs to change. You remain in total control of your free will. The subconscious or inner mind is made accessible as this is where all thoughts and memory processes take place. The hypnosis enables access to change your deep established thoughts. It is like reprogramming a computer to function more efficiently.
Positive changes can be made and put into action once you have  changed the negative thoughts and processes your mind has previously made habit. Within the subject and  the  changes one wants to make in the therapy, a deeper motivation towards change is established.

The process of the hypnosis starts by being taken into a relaxed state of mind and body by listening to the relaxation technique and following it in your mind. This normally takes place in a relaxed seated position on a comfortable supportive chair. You are fully  aware of everything although you are totally relaxed enabling the new aspects of change with the hypnotherapy to sow their seed in your mind, replacing the old obsolete dysfunctional  obsolete memories and thoughts.

Motivational Hypnotherapy helps with:
Confidence/Self Esteem,  Anxiety,  Phobias,  Insomnia,  Smoking Cessation,
Habit Breaking,  Depression,  Stress,  Feeling Low,  Diet & Weight Control,
Commit to Health & Exercise,  Help Confirm Projects, Impact Performance, 
Affirmations, Mind-Body-Spirit.  
Can be adapted to many aspects of life.